Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Aisling Symes, found.

Hi pinky here!

I would just like to say that the story of Aisling Symes, the two year old girl who went missing for almost a week, is a very sad one. And I hope rhat Aisling's parents recover from the shock. If you don't know anything about it here is an article from

Sadness at the discovery of a body believed to be missing toddler Aisling Symes is giving way to criticism that police should have found her in their original search over a week ago.

Aisling's body was found at No. 5 Longburn Rd, just metres from the home of Aisling's deceased grandparents at No. 7, where her mother was working when the toddler disappeared.
Questions are now being asked as to why, after an extensive search, the body wasn't found more quickly.

Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey says he thinks she may have got into the drain through an open manhole and he believes the manhole cover must have been replaced later.
He says that manhole cover is far too heavy for a man to lift, let alone a child, but it must have been removed at some stage as it's the only entrance to the pipe.

Two days after she disappeared, the officer in charge of the investigation, Inspector Gary Davey, said police were confident she was not in the area and were looking at a possible abduction, "given her age and the possibility of how far she would move under her own steam".
"We have searched and not found her, which makes it more likely we are looking at someone having picked up Aisling," he said.

"As far as we know, we believe Aisling hasn't wandered off."
At a press conference on Tuesday morning Davey says the drain where the body was found was repeatedly searched the night she disappeared, by police, search and rescue, and Aisling's father.
Later, Watercare cameras were put down the drain and they couldn't see her either. It took diggers sent in to check again, to reveal her body.

Davey says searchers didn't give up and kept an open mind on what had happened to Aisling.
He says he personally thinks Aisling has been in the drain since she went missing, and he believes her death was an accident.

More than 100 police and volunteers searched the area late on Monday and on Tuesday last week when Aisling disappeared, but could not find the toddler.

It is a very unfortunate event, and I would like to send my best wishes to Aisling parents.
Thanks for reading,